Sunday, February 4, 2018

Christmas Baking

We had to run to Target before Christmas and saw champagne on sale, Addison said we just had to buy some for dad for his birthday :) 

I have great memories of baking with my mom. It felt like we always had tons of cookies to bake at Christmas! I loved it. I hope I can do the same with Addison!

She has just started taking an interest in what we are doing while making supper and other things in the kitchen. So I thought I would try having her help me bake cookies. I was also excited to bake cookies because we had a few weekends with nothing going on, and most important, I didn't have any homework!! I feel like I have all the time in world now! 

She liked dumping ingredients in the bowl, and I showed her how to stir. She accidentally spilled the salt and that bothered her. It got all over her hands and she didn't like that all! 

This photo was taken about 30 seconds after the ones above, Addison threw a pretty good fit. All because she knows her rags are in the drawer and I would only give her two and not ALL of them like she thought she needed! This girl loves her burp rags :) She carries them around the house all the time, in the car, and sleeps with them. She loves to shove them in her water  bottles, boxes, bags, etc. The best part is, even though we probably have 25 rags, she is SO excited every time we had her one or she finds one unexpectedly.

1 comment:

  1. Love Christmas baking!!! Well I loved it when I was a kid... now I realize how much work with was for my mom, haha!
