Sunday, February 11, 2018

Christmas Eve

Everyone went home from Ames on Christmas Eve. It nice to have the afternoon and evening relaxing at home (we had already gone to church, Addison did very good at church, whew). We took a bath and got some cookies ready for Santa. 

We had to add a bow to Addison's wet hair so she looked more like a little girl with her wet hair. haha! 

She thought she deserved a cookie before bed, Ryan told her that we had to leave all those for Santa :) 

I had one present for her to open on Christmas Eve....... 

It was a new book about the first Christmas. I found it on super clearance at Hobby Lobby, it's now her favorite book. 

For some reason, when Ryan would read to her, she would stand behind him and lean on his shoulder.  We think it's funny (strange). She sits on my lap most of the time. 

We had a good Christmas Eve, even though Addison had no idea what was going on. Maybe next year she will understand it more. It will only get to be more fun and exciting!! 

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