Monday, February 12, 2018


Addison slept well Christmas Eve night but still woke up by 6am Christmas Day. But she slept through the night so we consider that a win!

Addison did pretty good opening gifts. Better than I expected anyways! 

Opening her Cabbage Patch Kid from Santa! 

Santa brought her a basketball game that makes noise. It was a hit! For both her and Dad :) 

Taking care of her new baby. Santa must know us well, both Addison and Mom loved the new baby - ha! It came with a crib and a stroller. Addison was putting the baby to bed.

It didn't take long to teach Addison how to push her baby in the stroller. 

When we said Addison needed to feed her baby her milk, she apparently thought the baby got real milk. She had to test it for herself! 

Baby Ashley is all tucked it. She puts her in the crib, covers her with the blanket, then pats her on the head and says "night night" then runs away - haha! 

Christmas was great! The three of us just hung out at home and enjoyed the day. We did quite a bit of cleaning though, we were expecting company the rest of the week. We tried to relax a little bit on Christmas day, then did many hours of cleaning on the 26th :) 

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