Monday, February 5, 2018

Up on the housetop.....

Christmas was only a little over a month ago, but it feels like forever ago. Addison liked having tree up and the presents underneath. She didn't bother either one. She would gently touch the lights on the tree and said "ooooo" and got excited every time we turned it on.

She is intently reading a Christmas card. She liked having the cards taped up to our sliding glass door.

She's opening the gift she received from Shannon, our daycare. This was the first gift she opened, she did well and was excited for some pink Legos! Notice, she couldn't put down her rag to open a gift. 

Cute frame Addison made for us at daycare. I LOVE crafts from daycare :) 

We go from happy girl to terrified..... We went to Bass Pro to visit Santa and as you can see, it was a very traumatic experience. I had to peel her off me and to put her on Santa's lap. She screamed and screamed. It was awful! 

She was pretty mad at me after that. She would only go to Ryan and wouldn't come to me. She eventually forgave me but then any other time we saw Santa during the Christmas season.....she was very scared! 

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