Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Julius Christmas Part II

Addison with her pile of presents. She did surprisingly well at opening gifts. She did get a few periodically through the day since she takes so long to open them!

I can't remember what Makena opened here, looks like some kind of bracelet. But she was SUPER excited about it - ha! And yes, she did get ISU clothes from Victoria's Secret - I couldn't believe I was buying her clothes from the same store I buy clothes!  

She's opening a scrapbook from Kelly of her birthday trip to CA. She loves this book! She likes to have me ask her to find people on each page. I don't have to ask where Grandpa is, she points him out right away. It's amazing to think she used to be scared of Grandpa Ron, she always asks to call him now. And when we went to their house last week, she wanted him to hold her right away! 

The Lents family did some crafting for Christmas this year. We made snowmen out of Addison's footprints. They turned out pretty good if I do say so myself! I was teasing Ryan that he could finish the snowmen one night when he asked what I needed help with. To my surprise, he said "okay where's the paint?" I'm glad he did it, I'm sure they look way better than what I would do! 

Conner was pretty excited about his game day bibs. His Grandma Linda was pretty embarrassed when he wore them out to lunch with her. Uncle Landon said it was a pretty good day if that's the only embarrassing thing Conner did at lunch :) 

The view of chaos from the catwalk :) 

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