Wednesday, January 31, 2018

First Cy-Hawk game

Addison attended her first Cy-Hawk game this winter. We weren't planning on taking her, I was going to stay home since I had just gotten home from Germany the day before. But we couldn't sell my ticket, so Addison and I ended up going until half time. That was all she could handle sitting still and it was bedtime! 

BUT we did watch the rest on TV when we got home and ISU won 84-78. Uncle Landon says she needs to attend all games from now on :) 

And speaking of getting home from Germany, I got home at midnight and had to wait till the next morning to see Addison. It was hard! She was not mad at me (I probably couldn't handle it if she was). But I was warned she could be. Thankfully she was excited and clingy :) 

This photo looks odd, but at the time, Ryan and I were laughing pretty hard. She was yelling at the guy on the ladder to "get down". She has authority in her voice and yells it. We didn't know who she was yelling at at first, but then saw the guy. It was pretty funny (to us anyways). 

That smile. What a little stinker. She was wearing Makena's outfit that day and my necklace. She was running around 100 mph and I told her to smile. She actually did it. ha! 

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