Thursday, January 25, 2018


When in Germany, you get beer and pretzels for breakfast :) 

The whole group!! Here are our amazing travelers. It was such a great group! This was at our ISU party one of the nights. 

Just a photo of the landscape along the Rhine River. Some of the hills were SOO steep I'm not sure how they farmed. I'm not sure if the ropes going up and down the hills were for the crop they were growing or for people! 

One of many castles we passed. Tracey and I wanted so badly to go in a castle. We never got to. Guess we need to go back now. 

The Residence - it was a palace where the Prince-Bishop lived. It was pretty cool. Although they only let you go through part of it, I of course wanted to see the whole thing. They talked A LOT about the artwork which Tracey and I didn't care less about. We wanted to hear more about the parties they hosted and how the rooms were used. We did get a little of that. Part of the palace was destroyed in WWII but they then restored it. They didn't let us take photos inside. :( One room had artwork on the ceiling in stucco where it looked like people were coming out of the ceiling - ha! 

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