Saturday, January 27, 2018


We went to a restaurant on a tour to try some smoked beer and German sausage. Tracey has the pilsner above. It was drinkable but I made a face. 

But that pilsner was WAY better than the smoked beer - yuck!!

They told us we were going to bakery - here is the one we thought we were going to :) 

But this is where we ended up. It was a chain bakery. They had gingerbread and some kind of chocolate bar. We would have liked Dunkin' Donuts better. We did go in to see if they had a lemon powder donut, they didn't :( 

We just thought this gingerbread house was cool. So I made Tracey take her picture by it. You know, the tourist thing to do. 

Waiting to get on the boat, it had snowed a couple inches that day. 

The whole group before we docked one day. 

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