Tuesday, January 23, 2018


In our very limited free time in Miltenburg, Tracey & I wanted to see the castle. We REALLY wanted to go in a castle, but it wasn't open. We hiked the cobblestone path (and realized how out of shape we were) up to the castle. It was still cool to be outside of it.

The view from the castle. 

"knock knock...anyone home??" 

Going back down the steep path to the city. This was one of the gates to the gated area around the castle. 

Another view from the castle. 

City of Miltenburg - I just loved the buildings and look of the cities. So different from we are used to. Many of these buildings were from before the war but some were after. I love how they have appreciated and preserved the history of the towns.

Most streets are pedestrian only or have only certain hours that vehicles are allowed. Apparently it's an unwritten rule. And the natives get made when people disobey :) You can see the hills in the distance, it was a very pretty town! 

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