Sunday, January 28, 2018

Bamberg & Nuremburg

Here are a few more photos from Bamberg - we were stopped on a bridge on our tour and the history was boring us, so we took pictures :) 

Yes I quietly tried to get my group together for a photo during the tour. They ended up stopping for us. Oops :) 

We found a manger in Nuremburg. You could get unbelievably close to the animals.

We actually saw the camel swing his head and wrap his neck around a girl.....Yea I didn't get too close after that! 

Photos of the markets

These were some of the trinkets they sold. Hand-craved wood pieces that people went crazy over. One of the travelers has a whole scene of wood carvings at her house that she showed us a photo of. Her and her husband have been to the markets 11 times and know what they are looking for each time! Crazy. 

Had to take a picture of the Tesla store.

Everyone loved to see the Holiday Markets at night when it was all lit up. Nuremburg was one of the biggest markets and it was our last day. We liked it because there were tons of other stores in the area. It was a really nice city. It's so weird to be in cities where the streets are pedestrian and many don't allow vehicles. I was amazed at how clean every city we visited was. The buildings may have been old but they were very well taken care of and restored. Another big difference was that we had to plan potty breaks accordingly as you had to pay for restrooms :) Thankfully we never had to use the public restrooms - ha! 

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