Monday, January 22, 2018


We were in Miltenburg and this was the Schnapps store. Our tour guide in Miltenburg was our favorite. She was an ex-nun and grew up in the city. She had some fun stories about the city. 

They had raspberry, peach, apple cinnamon and a black berry schapps for us. The apple cinnamon was by far our favorite, but the raspberry was pretty good. It was pretty delicious! 

It was a long underground cave and they showed us where they make the schnapps. We were hoping for a little warmth to thaw out our toes when we walked into the shop, no such luck! That cave was pretty cold, but it was pretty neat too. 

It was very interesting to me, these towns are so old but kept so nice and clean. There are underground caves/tunnels that go throughout the city and castles too.

Good stuff!! 

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