Thursday, January 4, 2018

Mom goes to Germany

One program at the ISU Alumni Association is the Traveling Cyclones. So as an employee, a perk is getting to host a trip. FINALLY, after 3.5 years, I got asked to host a trip. My director runs the program and I told her that I have been patiently waiting to be asked. She thought because I was in school, had a kid, and was working two positions that I wouldn't want to host a trip. I said that's WHY I needed to host a trip!! Ha! 

So I said yes, I would host an 8 day trip to Germany. I was pretty nervous about leaving my munchkin, but I knew we would both be fine. Ryan and I decided this time that he would stay home (I can take a companion for a discounted rate). It was a long time to ask someone to watch Addison and we weren't really sure what this whole "hosting" thing was about. I thought it was a long shot, but I sent an email to my siblings to see if anyone wanted to go. Hugh, Tracey, Kelly and Nicole wanted to go, but Tracey ended up committing. 

The photo above was from the day I left. I took Addison to daycare. It was AWFUL. She clung to me and wouldn't even look at Shannon or the other kids. That has NEVER happened. Then I peeled her off me and she just screamed and cried on the floor. I had to run out of there before I started to cry!! It was an absolutely awful way to leave :( 

I was always asking Ryan for photos, so these are some that he sent. 

The little stinker kept climbing on this big present of Conner's. There is a video of her telling herself to "get down". I told Ryan she really does need to get down, that present is breakable! haha! Don't worry, it was all intact when Conner opened it :)

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