Sunday, January 21, 2018

Cologne, Koblenz, & Miltenburg

One of the biggest "attractions" in Cologne is the cathedral. It was a pretty magnificent building. We were able to go inside before the noon mass began. It is rumored that the three wise men tomb's are in this cathedral. Because it was so close to mass beginning, they didn't let us walk by. 

In Cologne, Kolsh is their native beer. Tracey was excited because she had actually had a Kolsh before. So of course after the tour of the cathedral, we had to try one out :) It was pretty good!! 

This is how the Kolsh is served. I didn't get a picture of the trays, but they have a tray with 8 holes to put glasses in. 

These are the houses on the river bank. 

Yup it was cold. 

This was in Koblenz. We were only here for 2 hours and that was long enough! It was cold and there was wet, heavy, snowflakes coming down. The photo above is part of our ISU group. 

This house was in Miltenburg. It actually was where Elvis stayed when he visited. It was such a neat little town, one of our favorite stops! 

More to come! 

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