Monday, January 29, 2018


Here is a photo of the Gluhwein, aka hot wine. It's not just wine, I can't remember what else is in it, but it's quite delicious! Each city had a different version and different cup. Many people collect the cups at each city, we did not. 

I sent this photo to my parents, these figures look exactly like all the Christmas towns my dad and I used to buy for my  mom for Christmas. I LOVED when my dad and I would drive to Fort Dodge to Hallmark and pick out the Christmas town. I spent forever looking at these things and planning which ones I wanted to buy for her. I just thought it was funny they were at the holiday markets too! 

Tracey in one word :) 

We had to send these photos to Conner. He loves waffles and would be jealous. There was SO MUCH food at these markets, but we ate so much at the boat, we didn't need to buy anything at the market. But on the last night, we thought we needed to buy something. We chose a waffle, it was pretty good!

Check out this birthday candle!! This was one of my travelers, Ron. He would be celebrating his birthday the day we were leaving. So the last night, the crew brought him a little cake. I think I definitely need to find one of these candles for Addison's birthday :) 

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