Friday, September 30, 2016

More 5 Month

I forgot to add these pictures to the 5 month post. 

5 Month Stats!
Addison here is a little bit about you at 5 months:
Eats: 5 ounces every 3 hours. We also now do rice cereal before bed. You attack the spoon. Literally. Can't get it your mouth fast enough. We hold down your hands because you want to grab it too. We learned from experience what happens when you grab it - cereal everywhere but in your mouth! But you hold that empty spoon in your mouth and gnaw on it! 
Sleeps: Ugh. No good answer on this one! You still aren't sleeping great. You wake up a couple times a night. Not always hungry, just uncomfortable or happy & talking. I feel like we have tripled the number of sleepless nights since I went back to work! This week we started letting you talk yourself back to sleep :) You also spin complete circles in your crib. 
Weight: By our scientific measuring of your dad getting on the scale holding you, you weigh 15 pounds.
Likes; This list could be long! Fans, TV, burp rags, your toes, your fingers, chewing on your clothes, cereal, the changing table, the play mat, bathes, the exer-saucer. You love putting things in your mouth. You LOVE standing. You are happiest when standing or on the changing table. I would like to make it clear, you love the changing table even when fully clothed. You talk to your friend Charlie (that's what I named your ceiling fan) on the changing table. You tell loud stories and laugh at him. You also react to our voices and we can make you laugh. You are so much fun right now!! We love every minute. 
Dislikes: There isn't much to this list. Dad & I couldn't really think of anything you dislike. The only thing I could think of was that you don't like being held "like a baby" if you aren't going to eat. You want to sit up or stand and look around. 

When I was filling out your baby book, it asks what Mom & Dad's favorite times of day is. We both answered (without knowing), picking you up from daycare. There is nothing like the feeling we get when you see us and give us a big smile. We are always so excited to see you, we like to think you missed us too! BUT on the flip side, I love that you give Shannon big smiles when we drop you off! This morning Kia & Mason came to see you while I was getting you out of the car seat and you gave both of them big smiles. Makes the mom-guilt a little less to know you are happy at daycare :) 

One thing both Dad & I love is your laugh. It's the best sound. We love to make you laugh! I have some videos of Dad making you laugh. You laugh more at Dad than me, but I tell him it's because he's funny looking :) And I don't know what that Aunt Tracey does to you....but she really makes you laugh!! 

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