Tuesday, September 20, 2016

4 month photos

So she was technically a little older than 4 months, but we call them her 4 month photos. My mom bought Addison the "Grow with Me" package for photos for the first year. I was pretty excited to get these done. She wasn't in a super smiley mood but Destri is amazing and got some good ones! We were happy :)
Love this one with the smile! 

Get to see her birthmark here. I have a love/hate relationship with the birthmark. 

Pretty sure after this shot, the dress went to her mouth

Destri was making loud funny noises and jumping all over the place, this is the same look she gives Ryan and I when we try to get her to smile. haha! 

Superman pose

Grandma Rita got a giggle out of her here

Again, the blank stare 

It was a pretty stressful 20 minutes for me.....I was so worried she wasn't getting any good pictures! But by the time we got back to my mom's house and sat down to eat lunch, we had the email with the photos and we were happy! 

Now time to shop for outfits for the 6 month photos!! 

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