Tuesday, September 13, 2016

ISU Fan Fest

Well I guess you can tell that it's September....I'm busy at work and school and haven't posted in a while! 

It was a beautiful Sunday on August 21, so we headed to Ames for the Cyclone Fan Fest! 
In the car on the way! 

First trip to the stadium. Even though we didn't go inside. 

This expression was on her face 98% of the time we were there. 
Fan Fest was inside the Bergstrom Building. We were able to skip the very long line to get in because Grandma Rita and Grandpa Ron got there early! So we just snuck in with them....

We did get a little smile :) It was very warm in the Bergstrom Building. So why Ryan and I waited in line, my mom took her outside where it was actually cooler. 

She got to meet her boy D! Last basketball season, we always talked to Baby J about "your boy D", referring to Deonte Burton. I asked if he would hold her for a picture and he excitedly said sure and stood up to get her. He just stared and smiled at her, I actually told him to look up for the picture! He told us he could just keep her. :) 

So next I asked Coach Campbell if he would hold her. He looked around and said "well I'm not supposed but sure let's do it!" He has 6 month old at home. 

We weren't supposed to be taking pictures, there were signs everywhere that said no pictures. The event was for autographs. So we didn't push our luck any further! 

First time meeting Cy! She was excited, you can see. haha. 

I think she fell asleep immediately after we left Cy. We walked out the building and she was sound asleep. 

Guess that means it was a successful day!! 

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