Sunday, October 2, 2016

Catching up

So I realized this weekend that I was missing some photos that were on Ryan's phone. So I uploaded photos from his phone to my computer and realized there was more than I thought. Which has now screwed up the blog, printed photos in albums, and my Shutterfly books! Oh well...
She was probably 3 days old here. Ryan's trying to make her hold a ball.

First doctor's appointment. Man she looks so small! Look at those wrinkly feet and those thighs so thin you see the bone. Now she has rolls on her knees!

Big yawn. Her hands are still clenched in little fists. She was 4 days old at this doctors appointment.

First time mom and I didn't bring a blanket for my naked baby at the doctor. I didn't realize how long she had to sit with no clothes! What's really sad, I didn't learn. I forgot a blanket at 2 months too. Tried to cover her with a burp rag. I remembered at 4 months and it was hot in there and she was all over the place so we didn't use it. Ha!

We took this picture because her arms appeared stuck in this position.

Ryan took these while I was at class. He got her new Bob stroller put together.

She looks so little!

Ryan's friend Dan has a little girl that is about a month older than Addison.

One of the first times in the bumbo! You can see I was nervous....

This is what we came home to the first time we left her for a full day. We went to MN for Makena's play and to see the Skjevelands new house. Then we went to Clear Lake that night for a friend's wedding reception. Got home to find our munchkin tuckered out at Grandma & Grandpa's!

Hey, we had a rough night. We wouldn't be on the couch and floor if it had been a good night :) Ryan thought this was pretty funny, both his girls sleep with their arms above their heads!

One of the first time she found her toes!

Ryan's FAVORITE jammies. They are pretty soft and you can't beat Cyclone jammies.

Tummy time! He sent this picture to me while I was in class.

 Haha these pictures make me laugh! I think I included one of these in an earlier post. Ryan sent me these while I was working late one night. As you can see, these two enjoy their nights while I work late or am in class!!

Another one I received in class.....Addison got her thumb stuck in her pacifier and got mad! Ryan said it was pretty funny.

Can't remember if I was working or in class, but he texted me that someone fell asleep playing. She was playing with her blanket and then took a little snooze :)
So from now on, I will keep up with the pictures on Ryan's phone!

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