Monday, September 26, 2016

Big disappointment

Well Addison's first ISU/Iowa game was quite the disappointment. We told her it was okay to go to bed before it ended. It was not a good game. She woke up bright and early Sunday morning, so her and I decided to walk to Casey's and get some donuts. Donuts make everything better!
This was her face the whole walk. We talked about sometimes as Cyclone fans we have disappointment, but you gotta keep your chin up. Things will get better. She was just so sad for her buddy Matt Campbell. She wanted him to start of the season with some wins!

But Addison's day got a little better, Cousin Brayden came to play. We played baseball of course.

This is her "autographed ball" from "Kris Bryant". In between innings, as Brayden was running to the "dugout", he told us he was going to throw a ball into the crowd. He ran over and gave the ball to Addison. He told her "Wait for me by the fence after the game and I will sign it". It was pretty cute. So then he batted a few more times and then told Ryan the game was over. Ryan was asking why it was over and then Brayden ran over to Addison and in his manliest voice said "I will sign that ball now little girl". I tried so hard not to bust out laughing. It was pretty good!

I promise Addison, real baseball games are much more entertaining than backyard games.

I hadn't taken a picture of her on my knees for a while. I realized that's because she is not content sitting that way anymore. She is too tall! And she is always looking around, so she won't just lay her head back!

Our buddy Henry gave us this pretty cool toy to borrow. This was the first night we put her in it. She was pretty intrigued. Since these pictures, she has played in it more and learned how to run the toys. Although her favorite activity is trying to get each toy in her mouth....crazy kid!

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