Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week 20

Happy girl!!

Ready for the Cy-Hawk game. I had the day off because daycare was closed that Friday. So we got her dressed up and we went shopping!

Such a happy little Cyclone! I'm loving dressing her in her ISU apparel, but I need to start looking for some in the 9-12 month size. Good thing the football leggings are supposed to still fit her as a toddler. I love that she smiles even though she was tipping over! 

It's Game Day! We decided to go for a walk before the big game started. It was a really nice day out. Notice she is hanging on to the side of the stroller. Ever since we started setting her in the stroller like a big kid, she hangs on the whole time.....
First family selfie!! This was right before the ISU/Iowa Game started. Addison was hiding her excitement. :)

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