Monday, September 19, 2016

Rice Cereal!

In Week 20, we had a doctors appointment that gave us the okay to start rice cereal. I was pretty excited, I'm hoping this well help her to sleep through the night!! She has been waking up anywhere from 1-4 times a night. Usually once to eat, and the others she is just rolling around and we put her pacifier back in. She will usually go back to sleep, but it's usually at least a 20 min. process. 

 She is completely amused by this tag on her playmat. All these toys and she loves the tag!
 First night trying rice cereal! We have since moved to a bib instead of Ryan holding the bowl under her chin. I love the facial expressions!

This one is my favorite - the blank stare with the cereal running down her chin! You can really see her fluffy hair in the picture. 

She did a lot better than I expected! Ryan wasn't as excited as I was, he didn't think she did that good. We have been doing it about a week now. So far so good!

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