Friday, September 16, 2016

Week 19

I had done some shopping the week before, so we had some things to try on! 

I'm pretty excited for her Halloween outfits! I really only needed one bow, but the package came with three. 

 We have professional photos scheduled, and I found this super cute outfit on Amazon. It's a little tube top of stretchy material. It's supposed to fit from infant to 4 years. People keep telling us Addison is tall, well apparently so, because at 4 months the tube top was short on her. Ryan does not like this outfit and thought it was too revealing. He was shocked when he asked if I was putting a t-shirt under it and I said no. He thought I was kidding! It would look silly with a t-shirt, geez Ryan.

So I put it on her and took a bunch of pictures. I sent them to my mom, I hope pictures go better than this!! haha. 

 She tried to eat the tutu, then would make a face because it tasted bad. Then she wanted her toes in her mouth.
She looks mad because Ryan is holding her legs down. She was quite wild!! We already did the professional pictures, they did go much better than will see in a later post! 

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