Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Week 17

Week 17! Addison is growing and changing every day. She has gotten so much stronger in the last month. She loves to stand on your lap. Or on the counter. Or just standing anywhere! She has gotten really good at grabbing toys from the floor or her play mat. She holds onto toys really well and gets them in her mouth. She is very vocal and tells lots of stories! Also, I'm not sure if I have put this in here, but she is actively rolling from her tummy to back and back to tummy. She has been doing this for quite a while, so not new news :) 

This post just has random photos

This is how she sits in the bumbo. Most babies would sit nicely and just be happy to look around and watch you do things. Not my kid. She thrashes around in the bumbo. If you face her one way, she tries to turn to face the other way. She always has to have her hands entertained or something in her mouth. I swear she is going to wiggle her way out of this thing! The bumbo is usually soaked when we get her out as she drools so much and is always putting something in her mouth. 

Haha, love this pictures. Ryan and I decided we should prepare her for cold weather. The only hat we could find was an infant hat, it was a little tight on her. And we put socks on her. She has had socks on only a handful of times since she was born. This pictures is not flattering, she looks like a tank! She did put up with both the hat and the socks longer than we expected. 

We were running errands in town one night and she fell asleep in the car on the way home. Brought her in the house and saw that Coco's foot was in between her mouth and the pacifier. I thought it was funny :) She is able to put her pacifier back in her mouth on her own. So she did that on the way home.

Got this picture in class one night, I almost burst out laughing. Ryan tried on her baseball hat that was one of the other kids'. It was a little big but he said it fit backwards. Crazy kid!! 

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