Thursday, September 15, 2016

First Trip to Missoura

Week 18 consisted of her first trip to Missoura to see her crazy Uncle Landon, Aunt Nicole, and Cousin Brayden. We told Uncle Landon that Addison was nervous about going to Missoura because she didn't have a pair of jorts like Uncle Landon. He told her not to worry, she's bald, has a big belly and no teeth, she will think she found her long lost relatives in Missoura!! 

Fell asleep as we were driving by the DSM airport. With her head at this awkward angle. She slept the entire way. And still slept once we took her in the house! 

We wouldn't be hanging out with Brayden Kris Bryant if we didn't play baseball! Kris Bryant is #17 if you didn't know. Addison and I cheered loud. 

They were trying to see who could make Addison smile first. Brayden tried pretty hard but I think Landon won. 

Can't remember if they were watching Friends or the Cubs. Addison loves both :) 

This was the first time she legitimately (with no help) got her toe in her mouth!! We were pretty excited. 

Addison got her first ride on a golf cart!! She loved feeling that wind in her hair

We even got to sit up front with Uncle Landon! Ryan, Brayden and Nicole were on the back. Brayden was hunting Pokemon. 

We convinced Brayden to sit with Addison for some pictures. When he decided he was done, he got up and left....and Addison slowly fell over on her side. We forgot she needs a little support yet to sit up :) 

Addison and Uncle Landon! She thought he was pretty funny. 

She slept the whole way home from Kansas City - I hope car rides are always this easy!! We took our 18 week pictures right away when we got home. 

Then within about 30 minutes of getting home, she was taking another nap. She was one tired kid! All in all, it was a great weekend in KC. We wanted to get there before I started school and football season arrived! We just had to see that new golf cart and basketball hoop Brayden got :) 

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