Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Week 10

Now onto week 10! Oh boy, this week was a rough one for Mom. We had lots of "family hugs" as Dad calls them. This week was when my online class was finishing up. I can't remember what I said about my classes, but I was in WAY over my head on this online Social Media Analytics class. There wasn't a whole lot of social media involved. Way more data analytics and running computer programs I didn't understand! I was so very stressed about this class and not being able to figure some things out! I cried a lot this week - I was stressed and then very upset about the amount of time I spent on classes this summer that I missed out on with my baby. I was sad because I will never get that time back. However, I was still happy to got two classes done. It was better that I spent all day with her then worked on school at night, than going to work then class and getting home with Addison is in bed! I was also pretty upset that maternity leave was almost over. I kept telling myself that it's good for Addison to be around other kids to make friends. I told myself if I stayed home with her, I would go crazy in the winter, I would spend more money shopping (haha), and I would miss out on doing a job that I love with people I love to work with. It was a good thing that we were excited about our daycare provider and I had no trust issues whatsoever with leaving her there. My issue was just missing out on things with her. I'm not sure why I'm writing all this because I don't think I want to remember these feelings!! haha! 

I need to quit putting her in front of the window.....the sunlight bounces off that bald spot! 

Our happy little firecracker

She was chilling in her swing on the deck while Mom & Dad had a beer - pretty relaxing 4th of July! We had to stay home this year on the holiday weekend because I had two projects due on the 5th for class. I had them submitted on the 3rd, so we could relax on the 4th! 
She's doing pretty good in her bumbo! 

Holding up her head is hard work, so we don't usually get smiles. I try pretty hard though!

We were out shopping for the day and I fed her sitting on a couch in the mall. She fell asleep and she just looks so sweet! I love my sleeping baby. And the bow larger than her head :) 

She is getting really good at kicking her piano now! She can self entertain on the playmat for little while. She likes watching the toys above her, but her favorite thing to watch is the TV. She can kick like crazy! 
I was sneaky and caught a little smile. When she sits on my knees like this, she kicks a ton and talks a ton. It's apparently one of her favorite things to do at this point. I could sit and talk to her like this all day! We spent a lot of afternoons like this. 

I can't get over how bald she looks in some of these pictures - she's really not! Just doesn't have much on the top of her head. 
We were trying to catch a few little videos of Addison talking. We want to remember these times! She talks a ton when it's just the three of us. Sometimes she can be super loud! We know someday we will love looking back on these videos! 

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