Sunday, August 14, 2016

Week 13

Already on week 13! Almost caught up. Addison is doing better at sitting up in the Bumbo but the head still bounces around a little. Ryan's working hard at exercising those legs as you can see in the picture below! 

These are her baseball jammies - getting ready to cheer on the cubs! 

Addison LOVES to chew on her clothes. She is usually drenched. She drools a lot. Daycare tells us "just wait till she gets teeth". The other day she came home in different clothes because the first outfit was SOAKED!

Henry!!! We spent the day with our buddy Henry. And I guess Lisa, Justin and Garth were there too. haha :) We love Henry, he is such a little man with a personality. He has changed so much recently! Very quick on his feet. And still looks like a tornado hit when he eats, but he's a good eater! He's not sure what to think of Addison yet. He actually stopped to look at her so we had to get a picture! 

Pretty sure he wanted to climb in with her. He was in the bouncer as soon as she got out! I'm enjoying my days of a calm baby who will just lay in my arms or kick on the floor......Lisa and Justin have be exhausted! That kid is EVERYWHERE! But oh so much fun :)

3 months! She looks scared in this picture. I tried so hard for a smile. Clearly she didn't want to smile. 

Still no smiles.....

I apparently forgot to take a picture with her 3 month stats. Guess that's what happens when you go back to work! So I will add them here: 
Weight: 12.5 pounds
Eating: 3-4 ounces
Sleeps: about 3-4 hours total at daycare then sleeps about 3 maybe 4 hours at night. Sleep definitely isn't as good during week 12 & 13. I guess because I had to go back to work, she decided to punish me! 
Likes: watching TV, kicking on the floor, laying on the changing pad, doing "naked baby time", smiling and giggling with mom and dad
Dislikes: when she can't get her clothes in her mouth, being held for long periods of times. Honestly there isn't much to say in the dislikes column at this time! 
Milestones: she is sitting up better in the bumbo and getting better at grabbing things. She will somewhat hold her bottle sometimes (mostly by accident but we count it). Getting better at grabbing her ball. Reacts more to your voice and smiles at us. 

Not all my pictures are neat & organized. Lisa always tells me how calm my baby is. She pushed her cabbage kid away and won't let go of coco and was throwing her head around so much her bow is falling off. haha 

Addison & Gwen. 
(I'm seriously so excited to buy her more cabbage patch kids. Can't. Wait.)

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