Friday, July 29, 2016

Week 9

When looking back at the pictures from week 9, apparently not much happened! But the week started off with Father's Day. The picture below pretty much sums up Father's Day at the Lents' house :)

We were actually at Grandpa Ron & Grandma Rita's Ames house to start Father's Day. Landon, Nicole & Brayden were there too. We had lunch from Hickory Park, so already a pretty good day for Ryan. 

Addison bought Dad some books to read her. Ryan told us his favorite book as a child was "No More TV Sleepy Dog". I find it ironic his favorite book has a dog as a main character :) Addison loves it because she loves dogs :) We also bought "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" as he mentioned he liked that book as well. 

Addison also said she HAD to give Dad one of his favorite desserts - French Silk Pie. He was pretty excited. It was delicious! You can see in those pictures but Addison is wearing a onesie that says "Daddy's Little Sweetheart". Fitting for Father's Day. Even though it was Makena's she wore on Valentine's Day. I called Addison Makena a few times after she wore that outfit. I have a picture I love of Makena wearing that shirt! 

9 weeks! Typically we only have Gwen in the month shots, but Addison only agreed to take the picture if Gwen was in it :) 

"Why Mom, Why?"

Looking cool and Loving America

Oh this picture makes me laugh. I put the sparkle shades on her when we got in the car to go to Ankeny. She fell asleep in the car. When we got to Target, I didn't want to take them off for fear I would wake her. So we cruised around Target with her looking like this and people stared. I was laughing outloud by myself as I felt like I was shopping with "Bernie" from Weekend at Bernie's. haha! I also laughed how this outfit has a collar that looks like a neck brace. 

Caught myself a little smile! Loved this outfit too. Can't wait to sign her up for dance glasses. Her dad says no though........

The green bumbo doesn't match her outfit so I covered it. Yes we had time to play this day. I probably should have been working on my class projects, but posing Addison was way more fun! 

One of my favorites!! She is actually looking at me but I couldn't have the phone directly in front of me because she see my phone and instantly the blank stare comes over her face. I just love that smile!! I need to find a picture that shows that dimple :) 

Clearly the most exciting thing that happened in  week 9 was that her new shades came in the mail. That was pretty exciting. You will see them later, don't worry. She actually likes the stars better than the sparkle ones. :) 

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