Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Wreck-it Ralph

Mason was trying to put Addy's undies on like a hat, so I helped him. Ha! Notice I was in the middle of wrestling his jammies on him as well. You can also see the mess of the house in the background, moving was a super slow process!! It was difficult since we did everything ourselves and then trying to work (my work was super super busy/stressful) and spend time with the kids. In the background of this picture, the couch is laying on it's side in the entryway. My dad helped us carry it in the house and then the couch sat that same way for 2-3 weeks. Ha! It was definitely a 'barely through the day' time in our life :) 

Speaking of 'barely getting through the day', Addison got to eat fast food during this time of moving. Ha! Girl has had McDonald's/Wendy's maybe 2 times in her life before the move. I introduced her to Wendy's on a day when daycare closed and we were trying to move and I had an interview. I was a hot mess and took the kids into Wendy's because the drive-through had 25 cars in it. Addison thought it was exciting and we ordered a bunch of food with their $4 menu. The clerk was so kind and could probably tell I was having a rough day! Addison got lemonade (which she recently discovered she likes). The picture above was when I was trying to make school shopping special and didn't realize what time it was..... and I didn't pack a lunch. That shows you I was really off my game, I always think about meals for the kids when we are out! Lol. Oh well, Addison loved sitting in the Target parking lot eating Wendy's. :) 

This picture is to depict Wreck-It Ralph (aka Mason). I can't remember why, but Addison was home in the afternoon before Mason. She wanted to play with her Magic Tracks sooo bad. So we told her we could set it up while Mason was gone. He was home only a few minutes and then this happened :) Which is why we call him Ralph. Ha! We always say "I'm gonna wreck-it!" Like Ralph in the movie. 

Addison loves to carry Mason around...... and clearly he doesn't mind. You can't really see, but she is wearing fleece jammies. It was August. She just wanted to match Mason so bad and the closest she could get was footie jammies (It's December now and they have matching jammies, ha!)

Thankful for my dad and Conner! Conner was at the farm because he was going to help tear down buildings but the guy who does the buildings had to change his schedule. So my dad called and said they would come work for us. They hung the mount for our TV. And they put together our wall unit (would have been very hard with just Ryan and I!). We were very grateful for their help :) My dad came down another time and helped us hang towel holders and other items. 

 Addison made visors for both of them. I bet it's Conner's new favorite hat :) 

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