Friday, December 10, 2021

Escape Artist

Oh great..... we were unloading items and little dude figured out how to open the door! We weren't even living in the house yet..... And he still isn't walking, but could open the door! 

Can't get enough and will keep posting, I love the view and colors of the sky we see. Just last week Addison had Ryan take a picture of the colors of sky and send to me. It sounds silly, but we never saw this much of the sky at our old house! 

This is how I kept Mason entertained while loading up one day - put him in the crib with a box of Addison's bows. She climbed in to join him, they had a blast and giggled the whole time. I can't remember if I already said, but Ryan and I did all the moving ourselves. Yes, ALL of it. Just the two of us. My parents were out of town when we did most of the moving but gave us the truck. They came back and did two trips with the trailer for us to move the beds and part of the big couch. And we had the kids the whole time. It was a little challenging but not nearly as hard as it could have been! They were great. 

Addison's last night in the old house, on an air mattress. She was excited. 

Dinner at the new house while Mom and Dad unloaded the truck. Mason was excited to be a big boy at the picnic table. 

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