Friday, December 31, 2021

ISU vs. Iowa Game 2021

Friday Sept. 10 was a big day! First, it was Landon's 40th birthday. Second, it was my last day of work at the Alumni Association! After almost 7.5 years, I decided to change departments at ISU. With the layoffs at the ISUAA, then more weddings in the summer than we had done in 6 years with no help, I decided it wasn't worth it for me anymore. I asked for help and didn't get it, so I started looking at other areas of ISU. I interviewed for the College of Business Career Services and for Risk Management at the same time, and was offered the Risk Mgmt position (my first choice). I'm the new Student Organization Safety Coordinator. Less hours, less stress, and more time to be a mom :) I LOVED the Alumni Center Director position, but it was taking up too of my life. I knew the Director of Risk Mgmt and my new supervisor prior to interviewing and knew it was a workplace I would enjoy. My new supervisor, Kurt, also worked at the ISUAA when I started. It's been a good change so far! 

Look at Nolan trying to comfort Mason :) Ha! We met Kelly, Parker, Landon's family, and his friend Mike at Hickory Park for supper that night. Addison made that headband in school and wore it all night! 

ESPN Game Day was in Ames again this year. Thanks to Ryan's parents for watching our kiddos for a long day so we could tailgate and go to the game! 

It was HOT that day but we had a good time! Ashton Kutcher was the guest picker. UGH. He's a huge Hawk. We will no longer watch any of his movies, just like we won't listen to Eric Church (guest picker 2 years ago who picked the hawks). No big loss on Eric Church, I didn't like him anyways - ha! 

Nolan causing trouble as always. 

Makena stayed home this game, I think she had swimming. 

 The Julius clan! Most of us are there, missing a few. It was a good tailgate and a big reason I wanted a new job! I did not like working Cyclone Central tailgates and wanted my game days back :) The game was awful but time with family was good. 

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