Friday, December 17, 2021

A new daycare

In August, the kiddos started a new daycare in Huxley. It's a center called Tender Years and opened in January 2021. Both kids will go to the same place, which will be nice to have 1 drop off and pick up. Plus we thought Mason would benefit from a little more structure (especially in the dietary section....he doesn't need donuts and cheeseballs.....)

This kiddo was pretty nervous about starting a new daycare, but we worked hard to make her comfortable. I will admit, I was pretty nervous too. Starting Addison at her Bloom Daycare center was one of the hardest things I've done as a mom (first world problems, I'm lucky that is the hardest thing I've done!). Nothing is worse than your kid screaming and you walking away while people you don't know care for your child. 

Super sunny day, but wanted a picture! 

She looks pretty happy..... her first week at daycare, they went swimming 4 times! It's a great place already. I was VERY nervous....she's little and not a great swimmer and I didn't know how they would watch all those kids! So I told her she had to wear her lifejacket. :) All the fun activities that first week really made a difference in Addison's adjustment! 

She came home from the pool one day and told us "I got a giant KitKat today!" We asked her where. She said "from that guy". We have no idea, what guy, where, etc. She didn't have money for the concession stand and there is no guy at daycare. Ha! We are hoping the daycare allowed the kids to purchase something...... But she was over the moon excited. She says "It was giant, there was 4 bars of a KitKat and I ate them ALL". Haha! 

The school bus came to Tender Years and the kids got to practice putting on their seatbelts and they went over the bus rules. Addison came home and told us all the rules :) 

They are good about posting pictures on Facebook for us, which I love. Mason is hanging out with Barb, watching the bubbles. 

Look what a big boy he is, sitting at the table for snack! 

He's in the middle of the baby room in the ISU outfit. I was slightly disappointed he was in the baby room, but it was because he wasn't walking yet. 

Going for a walk in the wagon

 You can see in the distance, Mason standing at the window. I think he's waiting for us to come back to get him :( We had a very rough time at dropoffs, he screamed and clung to me. It was hard, but the staff were amazing. Linda and Barb are in their late 60's/early 70's and have seen everything :) 

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