Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Big Slide

My friends came over one Friday night and this is what Mason did while we chatted :) Sent this picture to Ryan, it drives him crazy if Mason plays in the tupperware. But I don't mind, it entertains him and it's quick to clean up :) 

The big slide at the Apple Orchard, Mason & Ryan were racing Addison. It's hard to see but all three of them are in the picture. Mason did like the slide, he must like the thrills! 

Learning in the one room schoolhouse. The desk were pretty small, the kids love it! 

Addison wanted Ryan to take his picture with Humpty Dumpty

Then Mason wanted his picture taken too. 

Yea Football season!! Drinking a free IPA from the Cyclone Liquors Tent. 

Addison wanted me to take her picture because she thought her dress was pretty :) 

Another picture showing how small Addison is compared to her swim-mates. We did swimming lessons for 6 months and she learned quite a bit! She enjoyed swimming lessons but we took a break in the fall. 

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