Tuesday, December 21, 2021

More Adventureland

We made him ride the teacups again..... he did not enjoy it anymore the 2nd time around.... Ha! 

She loved the Frog Hopper! She wanted to go on the adult one, really bad. Even after watching it, she still wanted to do it. Yea no, sorry kiddo! She did the Frog Hopper multiple times in a row. Mason watched in the stroller and put his hands up when she did - ha! Maybe next year buddy :) 

They moved Puff the Magic Dragon from it's location 30 years ago, ha! I couldn't find it and thought they got rid of it..... but we finally found it. This was one of my favorites, partially because I love the song! 

The Tilt-A-Whirl..... I was a little dizzy getting off. These rides affect me and Ryan more than they used too..... apparently we are getting old! Addison loved them all. 

Taking it slow on the boats. 

Just chillin' - he was so good that day! It was hot so we took a lunch break in the magic show for some AC. 

She LOVED the Ferris Wheel! We did it multiple times. 

Little buddy, not so much. But he did like it better than the teacups. They told me he couldn't sit on my lap, but he eventually did. Oh yea, and we made a pacifier exception for this day...... it was worth it! 

And we brought our suits for the waterpark, she was stoked. Mason and I chilled in the splash pad and her and Ryan did the lazy river and other things. 

I wanted to take her on a roller coaster, so we did The Underground. The talking statue at the beginning freaked her out. She did not love the roller coaster but wasn't totally freaked. It was pitch black at some points and it's a rickety coaster. Oh well. 

This was probably one of her favorites.... The Scrambler. Whew. Her and Ryan rode it twice in a row, then Ryan had to take a break. Then I went with her. She was ready to go a fourth time but I had to get off! I wish I was young again, ha! 

So we went to the balloons for two rides. 

Then back to the Scrambler - ha! Girl is crazy. It was late in the season, so we hardly had to wait in any lines, it was awesome! 

Then me and Addy did the skylift. 

Then ended the day with a small ice cream cone :) 

She was super excited. So was I..... I LOVE hard ice cream and I think that giant cone was only $3 or $4. It was the perfect way to end the day. Funny, we were there from 10:30am - 7:30pm and that was the only food we bought! I packed PB sandwiches a few snacks, but we were so busy none of us really got too hungry! 

The end of the cone :) 

Girl was tuckered out, she went hard all day long. She fell asleep pretty quick :) It was a great day. I love that we can go hard all day and she never gets tired or cranky. Mason was great too. It was an awesome day! 

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