Thursday, December 9, 2021

Last Day at Daycare Center for Addison

Big day - July 31 was Addison's last day at Bloom!! AND she got to ride to school in the truck with a booster seat. She was in heaven! She went to Bloom for a little over 2 years. We had one positively amazing teacher in the 3 year old room that just made things better for us. That teacher was already gone so leaving Bloom for us was not that difficult. 

Celebrating the last day with a trip to the park. Notice Mason isn't wearing shows. Dude didn't really wear shoes till he walked, lol. 

New house! 

We were not even moved in but she wanted to use her Easy Bake Oven. 

 Look at those curls! I love Mason's curls. Do you see Waldo peeking? 

Mason is standing on Addison's stool at the sink. He stresses me out, he can't walk but climbs everything and his favorite thing to climb was that stool. He was so un-steady and would fall off. Thankfully he's a little more steady now but still doesn't know where the edge of the stool is - ugh! 

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