Monday, December 20, 2021

Sweet Corn & Adventureland

Two very Iowa things, right? Sweet Corn and Adventureland :) 

We decided to let Mason try sweet corn! He did a good job and actually got some off the cob. I love these pictures, I think they are so cute! 

Addison was helping him at first. It was her corn on the cob, he was demanding what she had, so she gave him a bite. We are so excited for our big deck next summer and the ability to eat outside (and not have to sit on each other's laps like the old deck). 

Man, I've waited for this day for about two years. Not Addison, me. Ha! I wanted to take her summer of 2020, I thought at age 4 she would enjoy it. Now I will say the most commonly used phrase this last year "Then COVID hit". Adventureland was open summer of 2020, but I didn't feel comfortable going. I got free tickets as a "staff appreciation" gift, but we got them August 16. Nice thought, but you have me working every weekend and the park closes for the season soon! Ugh! But we did find a Sunday to go. I got Addison pretty pumped up. We have driven by quite a bit so she has seen it. Had to take a pic right when we got in! 

She wanted to hit up the teacups first :) Mason was not amused. 

Balloons were next, she loved it. The balloons were one of my favorites at her age too! I have so many good memories as a child at Adventureland. My cousins, the other Julius family, always had a day at the park with my Aunt LuAnne's family..... they let me tag along. Those days were awesome! I want Addy to have that much fun too :) 

No hesitation on any ride.......

.....even this one. She watched it and still wanted to do it. So she can't hardly see her in the phone on the left. This was the only ride she went on that day that she wasn't sure she liked. She did it twice to make the decision and the decision was she didn't like it. Both Ryan and I went with her, and it was spinning fast and high! 

If I had the energy to dig through my photos, I could find many similar photos of myself on the same rides! I was very very disappointed that the semi trucks weren't working, I wanted her to ride those. Though after figuring out what types of rides she likes, she would have been bored on the trucks! 

She loved the sky lift! I made her ride with me later, I love it too. Ha! Funny how the park seemed soooo much larger when we were kids and you thought you had to ride the skylift to get across the park. 
More to come.....


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