Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Big 12 Championship Game

December 19 we were headed to Dallas for the Big 12 Championship game! We were all so excited. Ryan, my dad and I met Landon, Nicole, Brayden, and Nolan at the KC airport. Brayden is such an attentive big brother to Nolan..... he carted him around the airport. Then chased him as he ran. And worried about him as he was climbing over all the chairs. Ha! 

We met Tracey & Conner at the hotel in Dallas. Nolan took it upon himself to hand out beers and snack mix to everyone. We were pretty excited to hang out with Nolan, we feel like we hadn't spent much time with him. And we didn't have our kiddos, so he had our undivided attention. 
Kelly was kind enough to say she would stay home and watch our kids with my mom. 

It helps to know people. Ryan and I know no one, but thankfully Landon does. Landon's company has a suite at the Dallas Cowboys stadium. He was lucky enough to get us tickets to their suite. So then we were frantically trying to sell the 8 tickets we had purchased through ISU. We were pretty lucky and got them all sold! 

Grandpa Ron, Brayden and Conner. These three guys were very excited, although the big guy was the most excited. I'm pretty happy we were able to take him to this game! 

With Landon's suite tickets, we also got parking passes. Which was pretty amazing to not worry about parking and be right next to the stadium. 

Conner would have been so mad if Tracey came without him - ha! 

That sign says "Ryan" - That happens to be the name of the company Landon works for. :) 

It was pretty awesome, we had a whole suite with a buffet and open bar. We got into the stadium about 1.5 hours before kick-off. We walked around a little watched them warm up. About 30 minutes before kick-off the bartender told us that they would be taking the food away. So we all hurried up and ate. Then about 30 minutes into the game, a new round of food came out, complete with some Texas BBQ. 

That jumbo-tron was impressive!

And this little dude was crazy. He would watch the game for a while with Brayden, then he would run around for a while. They had TV's in the suites too so Nicole could watch the Buckeyes. It was a beautiful suite, we were quite lucky! 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Christmas Concert

She says "Mom guess what I am" I guessed a statue. I was wrong. She was her Elf on the Shelf. Ha! We were then playing Elf on the Shelf..... I was supposed pretend to be sleeping, then wake up and then go find my elf right away. 

Grinch the Elf brought Addison's favorite breakfast..... muffins! This girl loves these muffins. We had to set a rule that she can only eat them on days she goes to school. Grinch brings a little gift to Addison each day. 

Addison was pretty excited for her Christmas concert, then was so disappointed when she realized that she wasn't going to the middle school to sing on stage and we wouldn't be there. So she got her microphone and sang us her songs. The toy box is her "stage". We can hook Ryan's phone up to the boom box and we can choose songs she sings with. She loves it! 

Christmas 2020 means Zoom Christmas concerts - ha! It was absolute chaos and the daycare had no idea what they were doing. But she enjoyed it so that's all that matters! 

 They said "The Reindeer Hokey Pokey", "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Home Alone re-enactment

We had been watching a lot of Home Alone and needed some entertainment. So we sent Addison down the deck stairs. ha! Ryan started Addison in the middle of the stairs and not at the top. She would hit the bottom hard and fly. Mason and I watched from the house in the big window. Mason loved it. I laughed pretty hard too. 

Addison also dug a "tunnel" in the front yard. This has been a good winter for snow play that's for sure!  


Yup we stayed inside :) 

And save the best video for last........ yes that's Ryan going down the stairs - ha! 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Table food

Mason was 7 months old and could finally sit up, so we were trying table food. We tried some banana and he is probably the only infant that does not like banana. He was not a fan! 

You can see his look of disgust with the banana - ha! The first table food we gave him was a green pepper :) I was having a snack and decided to give him one. He made a face but kept going back for more! 

I realize I don't take nearly as many photos of this little guy as I did Addison, so I tried to take more - ha! He's just a happy little guy. We were working on sitting up. We used the boppy because we had it but he didn't need it much. Once he figured out how to sit up, he did pretty good without toppling over. 

 He doesn't sit still now, those arms and legs are always flailing!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

O Christmas Tree

We spent a lot of time looking at all our different options for a gingerbread house this year. We settled on gingerbread Christmas Tree. Addison was so very very excited!

She had so much fun decorating it. We looked back at year's past and showed her all the ones we've done. We thought it was funny, when she was two we did a train and Addison LOVED it. It was on our table till February because she didn't want to throw it away. And now she doesn't remember it. Ha! 

Ryan and I made this same Christmas Tree the first year we were dating :) 

Can't have a post without Mason! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Dec. 5 ISU vs. West Virginia

The photos above are from Dec. 5. Yes that's right, DECEMBER and no coat. Woohoo!! It was a beautiful day. Due to COVID, there is technically no tailgating so Ryan was pretending to check out the car. We weren't tailgating. :) 

No shirt Conner at the game. ISU won 42-6. This was such a fun season, despite COVID. It would have been more fun without COVID but it would have meant a lot more time at work for Mom! 

The Prescotts and Julius' missed the last football game, they were in Fort Myers. 

And Brayden held an alligator! 

And Aunt Nicole held a bigger one!! That thing is bigger than Nolan! 

Cutest picture! They said it's his Heisman pose. 

 The Cyclones are #1 and headed to the Big 12 Championship Game in Dallas :) We were so excited. Grandpa Ron texted us and told us he was feeling emotional after we beat Texas. This is such a big deal for us Cyclones. Especially Cyclones like Grandpa Ron who have been lifelong cyclones and seen so many many hard years. This was the first year ISU beat Oklahoma and Texas in the same year. There were so many other crazy fun stats about this year, I should probably have Ryan write a post to record everything for Mason! :) 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Let's take a picture

Addison has some old cell phones of mine and Ryan's. She was taking selfies with Mason, it was pretty funny. Then she would come "show" Ryan and I, and pretend to flip through all the photos. :) 

He does not look amused.....ha! 

Feeding Mason some cereal. He got his first tooth the beginning of December. It was a bottom front tooth. He did pretty good, got kind of fussy at night. 


So Ryan was entertaining himself and put Mason in Addison's doll stroller. Haha! I thought it was pretty funny. Until Mason leaned forward, fell out of the stroller, and bonked his face on the kitchen floor. And then he screamed. And I probably cried. Ha! Ryan insisted he was fine, then proceeded to put him in a different stroller that had straps :) Haha! We wanted to show Addison, we thought she would find it hilarious. The picture on the right is her reaction, she thought Mason was so silly. 

I made mini weight watchers muffins and then Addison and Ryan put frosting and sprinkles on them to make them cupcakes. See, we go through a lot of sprinkles in this house! 

Friday, February 12, 2021

ISU vs. Texas

All ready for the big Cyclone game!! ISU was playing at Texas the day after Thanksgiving. The Lents family was ready! Although part of me was a little disappointed because I had scheduled a work trip to be in Austin to observe their game day activities..... My boss had been pushing me to go for a couple years and we finally schedule it. And then COVID. Ugh! But anyways, we had a great time watching the game at home. ISU won 23-20 and champagne was drank. It was a fun day! 

He was on his back and flipped over to his belly. He was happy.... for about 45 seconds :) 

Had to take a picture of him in the car seat with the cover. He doesn't like it because he wants to see everything and it hinders his vision. But it works well, we take it off and the heat comes out! 

Little dude sitting up like a big kid :) We had a good Thanksgiving weekend hanging out together. I have enjoyed COVID and all the time we spend at home together relaxing. We watch movies on Disney Plus, play games and just hang out. The days sure go by fast!