Friday, December 31, 2021

ISU vs. Iowa Game 2021

Friday Sept. 10 was a big day! First, it was Landon's 40th birthday. Second, it was my last day of work at the Alumni Association! After almost 7.5 years, I decided to change departments at ISU. With the layoffs at the ISUAA, then more weddings in the summer than we had done in 6 years with no help, I decided it wasn't worth it for me anymore. I asked for help and didn't get it, so I started looking at other areas of ISU. I interviewed for the College of Business Career Services and for Risk Management at the same time, and was offered the Risk Mgmt position (my first choice). I'm the new Student Organization Safety Coordinator. Less hours, less stress, and more time to be a mom :) I LOVED the Alumni Center Director position, but it was taking up too of my life. I knew the Director of Risk Mgmt and my new supervisor prior to interviewing and knew it was a workplace I would enjoy. My new supervisor, Kurt, also worked at the ISUAA when I started. It's been a good change so far! 

Look at Nolan trying to comfort Mason :) Ha! We met Kelly, Parker, Landon's family, and his friend Mike at Hickory Park for supper that night. Addison made that headband in school and wore it all night! 

ESPN Game Day was in Ames again this year. Thanks to Ryan's parents for watching our kiddos for a long day so we could tailgate and go to the game! 

It was HOT that day but we had a good time! Ashton Kutcher was the guest picker. UGH. He's a huge Hawk. We will no longer watch any of his movies, just like we won't listen to Eric Church (guest picker 2 years ago who picked the hawks). No big loss on Eric Church, I didn't like him anyways - ha! 

Nolan causing trouble as always. 

Makena stayed home this game, I think she had swimming. 

 The Julius clan! Most of us are there, missing a few. It was a good tailgate and a big reason I wanted a new job! I did not like working Cyclone Central tailgates and wanted my game days back :) The game was awful but time with family was good. 

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Just cleaning some windows.....

Adventureland - 2nd trip! Addison and I were on the sky lift. We got 4 more free tickets to Adventureland from my co-worker, I was pretty excited.

Mason went with us on the balloons - he was not amused. Ha! 

Seesaw at our new park in Huxley. These two have a good time on this seesaw. 

This picture above was to document an enjoyable trip to Sam's club with Mason (ha!). Mason couldn't go to daycare one day and I needed to go to Ankeny to buy some items for work. So I took him with me. For some reason, he had no interest in sitting in the cart. And I needed to lift pop flats and cases of water into the cart. I couldn't put him in the back of the cart because he might jump out. So he crawled on the floor of Sam's club while I loaded my cart. Then he insisted I carry him. It was difficult to carry him and push the cart, I was definitely sweating! This kid, always keeps me on my toes :) 

One of Mason's past times at the new house.... licking windows. He licked the wall the other day. And he licks shoes. ha! Apparently, there is a kid at daycare who licks the brick wall and then all the other kids follow suit. 

We got some soccer shin guards for Parker so we are ready for soccer! We signed up for outdoor soccer in Huxley. We tried on the shin guards and sent Kelly this picture. Then she told us that the socks go on the outside. Oops :) Ha! Good thing we sent her this picture before showing up to practice! 

 Addison was bugging Mason and we told her to stop. So she pouted. Then Mason followed suit. Ha! We hope he picks up her good habits, not the pouting! Ha! 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Big Slide

My friends came over one Friday night and this is what Mason did while we chatted :) Sent this picture to Ryan, it drives him crazy if Mason plays in the tupperware. But I don't mind, it entertains him and it's quick to clean up :) 

The big slide at the Apple Orchard, Mason & Ryan were racing Addison. It's hard to see but all three of them are in the picture. Mason did like the slide, he must like the thrills! 

Learning in the one room schoolhouse. The desk were pretty small, the kids love it! 

Addison wanted Ryan to take his picture with Humpty Dumpty

Then Mason wanted his picture taken too. 

Yea Football season!! Drinking a free IPA from the Cyclone Liquors Tent. 

Addison wanted me to take her picture because she thought her dress was pretty :) 

Another picture showing how small Addison is compared to her swim-mates. We did swimming lessons for 6 months and she learned quite a bit! She enjoyed swimming lessons but we took a break in the fall. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Big Day - First Day of Kindergarten

This little guy was so proud of himself for climbing up on the stool by himself :) And the picture on the right is from daycare, look at him showing off that belly! I loved seeing a little smile from daycare! 

Oh boy...... first day of school! Addison had been looking forward to this day for a while. She was so excited and I think just a tiny tiny bit nervous. I was probably more nervous for her than she was. I was nervous she wasn't going to find her school bus and she won't ask for help! We had to practice asking adults for help - ha!

Daycare drop-off and they are walking to the school bus. I did feel better that she had a group of kids to ride the bus with. I would like to add that I was not sad/did not cry when dropping her off. I was actually very excited for her (which even surprised myself). I was proud of her! 

As expected, she loved school and didn't have any issues adjusting whatsoever. She was sad some weekends when she didn't get to go (yes, made me feel like a great mom.....ugh! Ha!). She loves her teacher and has a great time. She plays with Tempe (from daycare) at recess. We aren't real sure if she plays with a lot of kiddos but that will come I'm sure. She loves it and we are thrilled! 


Monday, December 27, 2021

The Apple Orchard

New attraction to the Apple Orchard this year. We bought a season pass again this year :) 

It's 4 months since this picture, but I STILL cannot believe Addison is in Kindergarten. This was her "Meet the Teacher night". She was beyond excited. She looks so big at her desk! 

We thought it was funny that the kid across from her was named Mason :) 

Meeting her teacher, Ms. Upah

Her cubby with her new backpack. 

Welcome to Kindergarten! I was so happy that she was excited and not scared or dreading it :) I love that this girl likes change! She likes new things and doesn't need a routine (just like her mom). 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

More Adventureland

We made him ride the teacups again..... he did not enjoy it anymore the 2nd time around.... Ha! 

She loved the Frog Hopper! She wanted to go on the adult one, really bad. Even after watching it, she still wanted to do it. Yea no, sorry kiddo! She did the Frog Hopper multiple times in a row. Mason watched in the stroller and put his hands up when she did - ha! Maybe next year buddy :) 

They moved Puff the Magic Dragon from it's location 30 years ago, ha! I couldn't find it and thought they got rid of it..... but we finally found it. This was one of my favorites, partially because I love the song! 

The Tilt-A-Whirl..... I was a little dizzy getting off. These rides affect me and Ryan more than they used too..... apparently we are getting old! Addison loved them all. 

Taking it slow on the boats. 

Just chillin' - he was so good that day! It was hot so we took a lunch break in the magic show for some AC. 

She LOVED the Ferris Wheel! We did it multiple times. 

Little buddy, not so much. But he did like it better than the teacups. They told me he couldn't sit on my lap, but he eventually did. Oh yea, and we made a pacifier exception for this day...... it was worth it! 

And we brought our suits for the waterpark, she was stoked. Mason and I chilled in the splash pad and her and Ryan did the lazy river and other things. 

I wanted to take her on a roller coaster, so we did The Underground. The talking statue at the beginning freaked her out. She did not love the roller coaster but wasn't totally freaked. It was pitch black at some points and it's a rickety coaster. Oh well. 

This was probably one of her favorites.... The Scrambler. Whew. Her and Ryan rode it twice in a row, then Ryan had to take a break. Then I went with her. She was ready to go a fourth time but I had to get off! I wish I was young again, ha! 

So we went to the balloons for two rides. 

Then back to the Scrambler - ha! Girl is crazy. It was late in the season, so we hardly had to wait in any lines, it was awesome! 

Then me and Addy did the skylift. 

Then ended the day with a small ice cream cone :) 

She was super excited. So was I..... I LOVE hard ice cream and I think that giant cone was only $3 or $4. It was the perfect way to end the day. Funny, we were there from 10:30am - 7:30pm and that was the only food we bought! I packed PB sandwiches a few snacks, but we were so busy none of us really got too hungry! 

The end of the cone :) 

Girl was tuckered out, she went hard all day long. She fell asleep pretty quick :) It was a great day. I love that we can go hard all day and she never gets tired or cranky. Mason was great too. It was an awesome day!