Sunday, August 16, 2020

Weekend in Ames

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Ames. Everyone came except Nicole, Brayden & Nolan (they were in Ohio). It was a great, relaxing weekend. 

We also celebrated Addison's birthday then. She was SO EXCITED for the balloons. My mom has a box of balloons and a helium tank, so Addison got to pick which 4 she wanted. She doesn't look thrilled in this photo, I caught her mid-bite. But she loves it when Mason sits next to her. Every time we eat, she wants him right next to her. 

This girl loves her meat! We are so happy she eats meat so well. She is also really good at trying food. In fact, she will even try food that she has already tried and didn't like - ha! Tonight she tried fresh green beans for the 2nd time, still didn't like them :) 

First time Makena, Hugh, and Tracey met Mason. 

I love Mason's expression in this one - ha! Makena was pretty happy for another baby in the family. 

This guy was pretty excited to meet his nephew too. He held Mason a couple hours. 


We spent most of the day outside drinking beer and playing games. Addison is now old enough that she sees what the older kids are doing and wants to join in. They often times are playing games that she can't play.... like the pop bottle game. They through a bottle up in the air and whoever it was pointing at when it landed, that person got to kick the ball and try to hit the others while they were running away. She was so excited that Landon would play with her, she took it very seriously. Ha! 

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