Saturday, August 29, 2020

Back to school!

After 2 months at home with us, Addison was ready to go back to school. She loved being at home but really missed her friends! We decided to send her back in June. They were starting summer activities and we didn't want Addy to miss out. They have water day with sprinklers, wheels days (they brings bikes and scooters), and the picnic day where they bring their lunch and go for a walk. Addison loves all these activities. She particularly loves picnic day and she takes her Cubs lunchbox. Picnic day is a little hard for us though since it's a peanut-free facility. It amazing how many things we eat that have peanuts.....

Little guy! 

Believe it or not, this was the first time I had curled Addison's hair! I can't believe she was four years old before I curled her hair. Part of my delay is that her hair is so thin so I figured it wouldn't hold well. But we were getting ready for family pictures so I thought I would give it a shot. She was so excited because I let her watch her iPad. 

I thought it turned out pretty well! She now asks for me to curl her hair all the time, I think it's because she wants to watch her iPad more so than that she likes curls - ha! 

I have to laugh that the photographer has us take these photos..... I never use them. Why would I print a photo that doesn't have Ryan in it? I told her this year not to take any of just Ryan and I, we never use those either! 

One of many family photos! It was a perfect day, a little cloudy and not terribly warm. Glad we were able to have photos taken, it was our photographers first weekend working since COVID started! 


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