Sunday, August 2, 2020

Blast off!

Her rocket ship with her magnatiles she got for her birthday from Brad, Lori, Nolan & Garrett. It is a great gift! Not sure who likes them more, her or Ryan :) They build lots of rocket ships and she loves to count down to blast off! 

Another great birthday gift!! She got this from Reagan & Reid. She gets to color the animals and then they take a shower and the marker comes off. This toy always brings her out of a funk when she's tired of everything else.

Taking a bath in the big tub! We used a bath towel to help support him. Addison loved to help once again, hence me not being able to get a good picture. Ha! He didn't cry at all for this bath :)  

This little girl loves her baby brother. She is constantly asking if his eyes are open. He's only a couple weeks old in these photos but he's 3 months now and she still asks! She says "hi" over and over again to him with different tones to her voice. She will be in the middle of a task (such as eating) and will say "Can I go look at him?" We always say yes, she runs over, says Hi to him, then runs back. Yesterday she got out of her pool to run over and say Hi to him. I love how her excitement hasn't dwindled in 3 months.....I hope that continues!

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