Sunday, August 23, 2020

More from Ames

Big cousin Conner. I think he's already making plans of all the things he's going to teach Mason!

Hanging out with his aunt Kelly again :) 

If everyone else is holding Mason, Addy needs a turn too! She loves her baby brother (he's 3.5 months now and her love has not worn off)

And his aunt Tracey too. Everyone loves to hold a sleeping baby :) 

We were packing up and my dad offered to hold Mason while we were getting ready. I was shocked! Maybe by the 7th grandkid, he's getting a little more comfortable with babies. Mason was even awake! 

 She was treating her baby like we treat Mason. She even climbed up in the recliner and rested her arm on the chair like we do when holding Mason. She was talking to her baby, trying to calm her down, etc. Her baby got some new clothes after our weekend in Ames..... Nolan's preemie clothes! Addy was pretty excited. 

It was a great weekend with family. Addy also got a kite for her birthday and so everyone went to the park to fly the kite. It went 200 feet up in the air, it was pretty impressive! Addison LOVED celebrating her birthday again and having everyone around to play with her. 

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