Tuesday, August 25, 2020

1 month old!

Before I knew it, I was taking 1 month photos. I couldn't believe it! This was June 1, 2020. 

I can't believe I managed to get him sleeping, then lay him down, and take photos. Whew! 

What a sweet baby :) 

I was still getting up every couple hours with him at night. I don't know who ever said "sleep when the baby sleeps", well they were crazy. Apparently they can function on 45 min. sleep. During the day, neither of my kids slept very long at a time. They never slept for an hour or two at a time. And at night, I was getting up every 3 hours. There was more than once that by the time I got him to sleep again, I couldn't fall asleep before it was time to get up again! It was okay though, I really enjoyed my "alone time" watching TV. I hadn't really got to watch TV like that since Addy was born! I caught up on so many TV shows I like. TV (shows I want to watch) is definitely my retreat and guilty pleasure. 
With both kids, I never napped during the day on maternity leave. I really don't know how any mom could, but maybe there are some lucky ones out there! 

 Tried to catch a little smile! 

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