Sunday, August 9, 2020

Farm part 3

The boys brought a tent to the farm, it was pretty funny watching them set it up. It was quite windy so that made it more challenging. Addison thought it was pretty cool to play in. 
One of my new favorite photos. We had talked to Addison about petting JJ prior to going to the farm. She kept telling us she would "when I get older". We asked her how old, she says "10". 
We joked that Conner was practicing social distancing while following my dad and Addison on the four wheeler - ha! The boys love to follow the four wheeler or 'race' it. Makes me super nervous! 
Oh boy, Addison LOVES the trampoline. She's been asking all summer if we can buy one for our house. I keep telling her "we don't need one, Grandpa Ron has one at the farm". Doesn't help that a bunch of our neighbors have them!
We laughed because these two boys do whatever Addison says. She caught a good bounce from one of the boys so it scared it. She told them they have to stand on the ledge while she jumps - ha! She was also being the 'teacher' and they were her students. They got a little bored with that game - haha! 
 This little girl was tuckered out! I was taking care of Mason and she was taking a break from outside. The boys turned a movie on for her and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep! With her rag, of course. 

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