Monday, August 24, 2020

Mom & Mason

As a mom, there are significantly less pictures of me and the kids. But there is also good reason for that.... no mom wants a photo taken after just having a kid!! But I let Addy take my picture, knowing I wouldn't like how I looked, but that is our reality right now :) So here is me and my little buddy. 

He is 15 weeks as I write this, I can't believe how much he's grown! 

Addison wanted to take another one of us. I would try to wear him so we could go outside. Sometimes he likes being worn, sometimes he hates it. He likes it better now because I wear him facing out. We try really hard to still do everything together (like play outside, go to the park, etc.) We may make minor adjustments because of Mason but I really don't want one of us to have to stay inside with "the baby". Although sometimes I think Mason probably wishes one of us would stay inside with him..... we have made him put up with some ridiculous heat! Gotta make sure he likes the heat like the Julius family - ha! I'm lucky Ryan can handle the heat because the rest of his family cannot! 

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