Thursday, August 27, 2020

The big girl bed

Our little Mason sleeping in the rock and play, with a rag-hat. Getting him to sleep in the rock and play wasn't always easy, so if he fell asleep with a rag-hat, it was going to stay there! 

Oh the big girl bed!! Addison loves her new room and her big bed. Aunt Kelly and Grandma Rita bought her new sheets and a bedspread for her birthday. She is so proud of it. I told her we needed to send a picture to Kelly and Grandma, she was pretty excited. She wanted to hold Mason for the picture. 

Then she wanted to take a picture with her beanie baby bunnies. And she wanted to make sure her "soft blanket" was in the picture. 

 Then she told me to take a picture of her holding the bunnies this way. Ha! There were about three more poses that I haven't included. Then she asked me which photos I was sending and if she could see them all. 

She does great in her big bed and new room. Sometimes she naps in her Paw Patrol sleeping bag on the floor as a "treat". She sometimes wants us to sleep with her for nap or overnight. We run a tight ship and don't want any bad habits formed, so we say no. Haha! BUT, I have allowed her to nap in our bed a few times and there has been a time or two that I nap with her :) 

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