Monday, August 3, 2020

To the farm

Addison, Mason and I took off to the farm around the end of May. Addison was beyond excited. I'm so glad I didn't tell her until the morning of! Mason slept the whole way (whew) and Addison talked most of the way. She saw that I had the sunroof shade open. She told me "Out my window I can see the field, out you and Mason's windows I can see cars, and out the window in the ceiling I can see the clouds. I might see a super hero out that window too". Ha! I told her to let me know if she sees a super hero because I really wanted to see one. Ha! 

She was pretty restless and bored about Fort Dodge, so I told her to close her eyes and rest. I was at a stoplight in Fort Dodge, and took this picture. That's how she was resting. Ha! She had her eyes closed probably a total of 3 minutes. Then she told me "I'm all rested!" 

This girl was so excited to jump on the trampoline. Actually, she was so excited for everything! But she loved the trampoline. Conner and Parker were at the farm too and liked jumping with her. Grandpa Ron had them going to their knees and seater-rumpous (no idea how to spell the crazy word which means your bottom). Addison loved it. They had to jump until he said "knees!" or "seater-rumpous!" She would just laugh and laugh. 

Thank goodness for my dad who stood at the trampoline for what seemed like forever to watch my kid jump. It was pretty chilly out so I couldn't take Mason out. He was about 3 weeks old so he was doing a lot of unexplained crying. :) 

She wanted a tractor ride from the moment we pulled in the driveway. She loves the buddy seat. 

Addison loves the four wheeler!! You get tired of driving her around before she gets tired of riding. She was at my dad's heels the whole time we were at the farm asking him to do something else with her!

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