Saturday, August 15, 2020

The new Tiger King

During quarantine, Tiger King was a hit show on Netflix. We actually got Kelly's login so we could watch it. It's this crazy show about a guy who runs a Tiger Zoo. Joe Exotic is the guy's name. And he is bizarre. Landon described the show as a redneck Dateline. Ha! He was kind of right. Ryan and I definitely binge-watched the series. 

Conner on the farm, he would have definitely fit in with the crew of the show. Haha! 

 Especially after this. We were cleaning up from lunch, which Conner barely sat down at the table long enough to eat, when he came running in the house yelling "Grandpa! Grandpa! I shot a chipmunk!" 

We didn't believe him, but sure enough he did. He said he lured it out with an ear of corn. I can't believe he held it up. Gross. He was so proud of himself. 

After seeing this, Addison started telling us how you can shoot things, then they are dead, then blood comes out of their head. Oh I hope she doesn't talk like that at daycare.......

When she was at the farm while we were in the hospital, my dad had to shot a raccoon that was up by the house. She things we just go to the farm to shoot things. Ha! 

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