Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Ready for Halloween

It was a hot day in September but we decided to get our Halloween decor out. Addison was pretty excited. She is really into holiday decor this year, it's been fun! She was ready to put our Christmas tree out in September. She was continually asking us if we could set our tree up and it was driving Ryan crazy :) 

It took a lot of work, but finally this kid is going down the 'big' slide at our park by herself! It took quite a bit of coaxing, and Ryan reaching over the slide to try to hold her hand.

I often times will take Addison for a run with me and we take a pit stop at the park. Then I text Ryan and he runs to the park to pick her up and then I finish my run by myself. Either I'm getting weaker or she's getting harder to run with in the stroller! The most I could go was about 2 miles. 

She is all about eating snacks outside. Looks like she might have been eating carrots this day. So we sit in the driveway, eat a snack, and wave at cars going by. Notice her little chair even has a cup holder - fancy! 

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