Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Addison in the bean field

There was a day in August where I was off work, Addison was at school, and my car was at the shop in town. I decided I was going to run to her school with an empty stroller to pick her up. The school is only 2 miles from our house, but it felt like a lot further! Running on terrible sidewalks, with an empty stroller, and the was not fun! An empty stroller is really hard to run with! 

So I picked her up and headed home, and then I get the call that my car is done. And they close at 5:30pm. Ryan wouldn't get home in time to drive us there, so I figured we better run there and pick it up. So we went another mile out to the car shop. We have to run past some fields, so we took a pit stop. She may be smiling but she was scared of the bean field (she's scared of most things). I love this picture though - I wish she could be a farm kid but this will be the closest she will probably get! I couldn't get her to take a picture in front of the corn field on the other side of the street. It was one of the hardest runs I did all summer and it wasn't that long, I was really questioning my decision to sign up for a race - haha! 

There was a weekend that Tracey & Hugh were out of town and my parents were watching the kids. So we drove to MN to hang out with them. And of course invited Erin & Reagan to join us. It was great to see them! Addison loves seeing pictures of Reagan on my phone, so she was pretty excited to see her in person :) This was so long ago, Reagan has a baby brother now! 

I was waiting at a stop light on our way home one day and looked back to see this. I really wish I knew what she was thinking about - ha! 

Ryan reading one of our favorite books to Addy - Shoe La La. "Party dresses, party hair, perfect party shoes to wear. Emily, Ashley, Kaitlyn, Clare, let's go find the perfect pair!" It's a super cute book we got from my cousin's wife, we love it! 

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