Wednesday, March 25, 2020

And the last of the family photos

Driving the firetruck - it was hard to capture Addison's attention. All she wanted to do was drive the firetruck! 

And Addison just wanted to play at the park. It was SO hard for her to stand still and smile when the park was RIGHT THERE. So we allowed her to play a little while others were getting their family photos taken. 

And the Lents Family
And soon these photos will be out of date - Baby Lents #2 will arrive in May! 

I was so mad I forgot a bow at home - ha! 

And of course - Mom & Dad! Think all the photos we have of these two are church photos. Guess we do have a few from the weddings too. I'm really happy it worked out for everyone to be together and get our photos taken. Then of course we all went to Hickory Park for lunch after :) 

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